
6 tips for better sleep

Improves Quality & Quantity of sleep

  1. Regularity

Go to bed at same time every day to maintain internal sleep schedule in my body.

Set TO-BED Alarms

Avoid this weekend.

  1. Temperature

Keep it cool.

Brain & Body needs to cool down 1 degrees Celsius to initiate sleep.

18 degrees Celsius is

  1. Darkness

Melatonin helps to regulate the healthy timing of our sleep.

Stay AWAY from any screens at least an hour before sleep.

Dim down lights to feel sleep.

  1. Walk it out

Don’t stay in bed

Get out of bed after 25 mins’ failure to sleep.

Break assosiation of bed and awakeness

  1. Monitor Alcohol and Caffeine

avoid intake after 15:00

  1. Wind down routine

sleep is like landing a plane, it’s a process.

try to do sth. relaxing