Today’s Task
Build Script User Friendly Changes
- Extract Common Methods for PCT jobs
- Remove Audit Tool from old repo
- Extract Common methods for T1 image release scripts
- Catalog
- Nexus
- Nucleus
- Common methods for T3
- sloth
- vaquita
- cp
- Common methods for T2
Slack Bot
- run on AWS
- Try Demo Full Functions
- Basic Function
- Easter Eggs
- New Features
- Create temp CM modal & notification
- Split modules
Hadar Maintenance
- Hadar, failed job add console to url end
- Hadar, failed job retry success, make slack message success
Additional Task
- Resolve Merge Conflict in Nucleus
- Fix clear catalog db job to exec prepareRole sql
- Push v3 image to aws
cm tool 的 api 有点奇怪
首先需要在 Header 里面带上 base64 的 用户名:密码
作为 Basic Authentication
然后会得到一个 Token, 请求其他 api 需要带上这个作为 Basic Authentication, 而不是 Bearer