Today’s Task
- Add a page to search properties on ReleaseMe
- Rebooting backend but failed on 8080
- solved by checking yml urls
- Frontend page
- Rebooting backend but failed on 8080
- Delete comments (only current users’)
- Add DELETE APIs on comments to backend
- Get familiar with Spring Boot
- SQL in CommentInfoMapper
- convert in DAO
- API in Controller
- Frontend Button
- Add DELETE APIs on comments to backend
- Transfer Jenkins Jobs
- Run Master_Lockbox_BVT
- Move all the other jobs
- Test all the other jobs
- OneBox-Setup vmip
- Deploy with nginx and docker
- Get familiar with nginx
- Get familiar with dockerfiles
- Deploy with nginx and docker
- Help Song Chenxin to change image tag pattern
Additional Task
- Upgraded Jenkins on Slave1 from
to useRebuild
andTrigger Job
周五 James 解决了slave1访问很慢的问题
看着像是 log 太多了,清掉就 ok 了
上午的半个小时相当紧张,Jenkins 更新失败了
爬了 20 分钟的 Stack Overflow
设置了参数,调整读取 config 的时间
中午刷了一题 leetcode
昨晚 8 点睡到了 1 点,随后又从 4 点睡到了 8 点 45
今晚试试 10 点多睡,醒来如果天亮,先直接爬起来吧
下午照猫画虎写了 ReleaseMe 删评论的 api
然后开始在前端用 ts 写 bug